Monday, July 7, 2008

My Fellow Procrastinators...

Anyone who has ever been my roommate, or been in contact with me the night before I have a major assignment due, knows that I can be quite the procrastinator. Tonight for example, I should be working on a paper for my Theories of European Integration class that's due tomorrow. But it made more sense to me to start a blog. I have thought about doing it anyway. I used to have one several years back. But I want this to be a place for you and I to come together and procrastinate. You don't have to track my blog on a daily basis, since I likely won't write that often. But when those times come when there's something you REALLY need to be doing... that is when you will instead be inclined to turn your computer on, sit down with a nice cup of hot tea, and click into your bookmarks (where the link for this blog should be) and visit my blog. This is a safe place for you and I. Somewhere to escape from the outside world and its pressures and deadlines, so that we can come together with the common goal of merely... thinking. I have no clue what words I will have to keep you entertained. I can imagine that most of the time they will be rather uncreative, uninspiring. But you never know when you'll find a good nugget. I might blog once a month. I might blog three times in one day. I apologize ahead of time for the inconsistency. But I will be here, and I will read your comments... the many millions that will undoubtedly flood these posts. Don't ever doubt my loyalty to you, or my commitment to procrastination. If it wasn't for my supreme ability to procrastinate, there are a lot of things I would never have done. Any time my entire room was rearranged happened the night before a big exam or paper was due. And had I never rearranged my room.... god, who knows how my life would be now.

Surely now you understand the importance of procrastination. Join me. Read my words. Write me your thoughts. Let's share this experience together. Let's... procrastinate.


Dennis said...

As you are such a faithful reader of my blog and as you are such a faithful friend, I take it as a honor to be the first to comment on your blog. You should know you are helping me procrastinate. I should be moving my golf clubs from my old broken down bag to a "new" (garage sale) bag Jayne got for me. If procrastination means "doing one thing when you should be doing another", how is that so bad? Something gets accomplished doesn't it? How can productivity be bad. Well, maybe the next time you think you should clean your room you could study for a test instead. They both seem equally dissatisfying.

Amber said...

Haha! Good point at the end there. Maybe if I tell myself right now that I really need to bake a cake, I'll keep working on my paper instead. I like the way you think. Well, I'll assume that you're now shifting golf clubs around, so I'll resolve to write at least another page of my paper before being distracted again. :)

Seph said...

Oh, man, I'm going to procrastinate the hell out of your blog!

Anonymous said...

AMBER!!! It's late!! Get busy!!

love, Mom ;-)

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad you started blogging! I decided to comment, since I too am procrastinating. I need to start a project at work but am inclined to wait until a more opportune time. Of course, being at work may seem like the opportune time to be working, however, it's too big of a project to start at the end of the day, soooooo . . . I comment. It is always great to hear from you and I always appreciate your thinking process and thoughts. I will visit your blog often, especially when I have something pressing to do.

Lori said...

Phoebe! This will feel like notes slipped under my door! Which makes me happy. I do know your procrastination tactics, and I will be reading as often as you post. Yay!


Anonymous said...

Amber, I thought of you today at work. I had two patients who work for UPS. That's all! (Or did you work for FedEx?!? Oh man, now I'm really losing it)


Amber said...

haha! i worked for fedex. for almost 3 1/2 years, so that was a bit insulting that you threw me in with the low-life competition. anyway, i hope you gave those two patients the wrong prescriptions. ;)

Carol Hudak said...

Hi Amber! I'm not a procrastinator but will check in with you anyways! Hope all is going well. Love you! Aunt Carol

jen said...

good for you amber, i most heartily agree, procrastination has most certainly been the key to a whole long list of projects and do's that would never had happened if i had charged deadahead with what was 'on the list'. hope you have a lovely day +++ (and also: thanks for all your entertaining notes, look forward to having them in one place!!)

jessi said...

Hey Amber, I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts. Only a month more till you come back! Peter is going to look humongous to you. :)