Friday, July 18, 2008


3 hours left. 7 pages written. 1 small container of cottage cheese eaten. 1/2 cup of black tea with sugar already seeping down my alimentary canal. Approximately 8 grapes chewed and swallowed. At least 4 trips to the bathroom in the past 12 hours. 45-minute nap time, which resulted in a 3-hour nap after constant resetting of the alarm. 5 windows open on my computer screen, and 5 piles of paper surrounding me to provide me with an inflow of information.

I will be glad when this is over and my life slims back down to the more important things in life, like eating and sleeping.


Dennis said...

Did you finish strong? I assume congratulations is order. Thanks for the great journal for Gabby. You are an awesome "cousin". We had a nice day with her yesterday doing family things.

Amber said...

finished... more tired than strong. but totally carefree and relieved now. i hope the journal wasn't too childish for gabby... but i liked it. i'm glad i was able to catch her yesterday. kinda weird talking to her as a peer now. she's growing up. funny how that happens. i wish i was around more, especially to get to know this rodney boy better. he seems about as crazy as gabby.

still waiting for the blog.

Nathan Stitt said...

Hey Amber, just found your blog because someone came to mine from the link on yours... Did you email me to let me know? Cause if you did I totally missed it lol. Anyways, I look forward to reading your posts, though I've taken a short break from blogging myself while I finish this last week of school and prepare for the new job. More later, just saying hi :)

Amber said...

hey nate! yeah, i did send an e-mail out, but no worries. hope it's okay that i've got your blog linked here on mine. i'm glad you'll be checking in on me here every so often. i need to call you soon. we need to talk. :)

Nathan Stitt said...

I'm out during the day this week and graduate Friday night. After that I'll be mostly free until mid-August when school starts up.