Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Anybody out there...?

I was going through and cleaning out my bookmarks toolbar on my computer and found a link to this blog. I actually had forgotten about it. So I'm assuming most others - of the thousands I got fan mail from back when I was writing in here more often - have forgotten about it as well. Well... surprise! I'm back. At least for this one moment.

So... for the first time in my life (being 27, that's not saying much) I got laid off. Haven't worked at my last job since... my birthday. So a little over 3 weeks ago. Worked a few days since then, just random one-day jobs that I found in Craigslist's "gigs" section. ...which I'm afraid to even mention here, lest other Bay-area people catch on and compete with me for these jobs.

I want to get into construction/remodeling as a profession. It would be awesome to build my own house one day. And cooler to have my own company that's not run by a complete moron. But for now, those jobs are hard to come by, so I'm having to settle. Actually there is no settling happening at all. That would imply employment. I've started applying to non-profit jobs, which are ALL admin assistant positions, basically. I'm not much of an office worker, but if the organization is about something I'm really into, then that makes it more worth it. But I will miss wearing my paint-splattered clothes and heading out to a job site to make something with my hands. I will really miss that. Granted, I was mostly doing painting for most of my last job, but the times when I did other things (like flooring or siding), it was really cool. I applied to an apprenticeship program as a way to get back into it, but apparently the soonest I'll be able to get in is a few months from now, so we'll see...

I've also always wanted to learn auto maintenance/repair. I would still love to get a job in that, except I don't really know much more than brakes and oil changes.

I loved kittens as a child. Then I became more of a cat-hater in my teenage and young adult years. I now have two kittens. And I love them. Fyodor (who is a depressed little man, much like the author) and Polly (who is a polydactyl). I want them to meow less in the mornings, and smell less when they drop a big one in the litter box... but I can't really blame them for either.

I am incredibly uninspired right now, which is a bad time to pick up blogging again. I'm just getting sick of filtering through Craigslist postings for gigs and for jobs and finding little that appeals. Still sending off lots of resumes, but nothing I'm excited about. Nothing that gets me nearly as crazy and ecstatic as being able to post a blog.