Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Serious Musician...

I just read one of my old posts from three years ago talking about recording a CD. Okay, maybe it's finally time. Once I get over this sickness I've had, I'm going to take a trip down to L.A. where my friend has the equipment to throw together some kind of CD for me. Then I will sell them and become instantly famous and rich and retire my sane life for a like of sex, drugs, and rock n roll. ...Or I'll just use the profits to buy a truck and keeping doing what I'm passionate about (carpentry).

Or I'll pass out my demo CDs to local spots and not hear back from them... forever being limited to performing "gigs" on the sidewalk. Which I did once, in the Castro one night when I was bored. I played my music for about an hour, and made $18.01 plus an unopened beer from a local brewery that a girl set down next to me. So there's always that option...

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