Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Back at it

Finally back at it. It seems that when I'm in a relationship, I don't blog as much. Freshly out of a long (long for me) relationship and find myself rediscovering my blog again. Why? Do I simply want to be heard?... by anyone that'll read? I think I actually process what I'm thinking better when I unleash my fingers on a keyboard. They type a little faster than my brain processes things, so I often find myself talking to myself, if you know what I mean.

I don't have anything profound to say this time around- simply announcing that I'm alive and back. The purpose of this blog was to be a procrastination tool. I hope it still fully serves that purpose, for both you and me. Without school in my life anymore (for the past few years now), I lack opportunity to procrastinate. Tonight I guess it's sleep that I'm putting off. Sometimes I'm just not ready to end my day. Even when my body's tired, and I'm safe in my home and have hours and hours ahead of me to enjoy beautiful rest. I sometimes still feel this compelling need to stay awake and direct my thoughts... somewhere. To someone. Or no one at all. The recipient is irrelevant. What's key is that the thoughts get written out... that the thoughts keep coming, and sleep waiting in the near distance.

All this talk about all these thoughts, and I have none to produce tonight. Well, I'm back anyway, and hopefully back again soon with... actual thoughts.


Matt said...

Hey sis, welcome back! I didn't really follow your blog before, as I didn't know much about blogging and readers, but that's all changed now, as checking my RSS subscriptions is now a daily occurrence! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on life - and seeing you in just over two weeks!!

Matt said...

Also, any chance on revisiting the colour scheme on your blog? White text on a dark background is really hard on the eyes... Or maybe that's just my age!

Amber said...

no problem. nate complained about that before, too, but i really like dark background and light text. but i don't want to further advance the apparent male occular degenerative disease our family appears to have, so i'll change it to something else. do let me know if it suits your failing vision better...

Amber said...

p.s. also, insanely excited about seeing you soon! !!!!!!!!!!